Feature 1: Move Figure

Input: Mouse Key Arrows

Process: Use mouse keys to move ( up, down,left,right )

Output: Moves prefab1

Feature 2: Eat Animation

Input: Press e 

Process: When e is pressed prefab1 switches its mode to eat, then when prefab 1 runs into prefab 2 the animation will be activated

Output: “Eats” prefabs created by right click

Feature 3: Knock down Animation

Input: Press K

Process: When K is pressed prefab1 switches to knock down mode, then when prefab 1 runs into prefab 2 the animation will be activated

Output: “Knocks down” prefabs created by right click

Feature 4: Burn Animation

Input: Press B

Process: When b is pressed  prefab1 switches to burn mode, then when prefab 1 runs into prefab 2 the animation will be activated

Output: “Burns” prefabs created by right click

Made withUnity